Thursday, December 18, 2008

Spinning 2009! Sign up today!

Hi folks!

As you probably already know, today marks the end of classes for the 2008 season. Thanks to everyone for making 2008 a fun year!

Classes for 2009 start on January 6th: $40 for the year, or $10 quarterly if you don't want to commit to the full year. The calendar (see the link to the right) has been updated with the class and instructor schedule:

  • 6:30 AM: Paul
  • 11:45 AM: Bob
  • 5:45 PM: Jen


  • 6:30 AM: Paul
  • 11:45 AM: Jen
  • 5:45 PM: Kristin S.

Reply back to me via email if you're interested in signing up. If I don't hear from you, I'll assume you won't be signing up and I'll remove you from the email distribution (I'm not interested in spamming anyone).

Thanks, everyone, and have a great holiday season! See you in 2009!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The H-List is Ready! (and other miscellaneous stuff)

Hi folks,

I've been a slacker lately and haven't posted much... hopefully I'll get the blog and Twitter feed back up to snuff for the 2009 season.

It's great to see all the new faces! Welcome!!

The H-List is complete... and what does "H" stand for? HILL! :-)
The profile will be posted on Google soon, and I'll update the blog with the link when it is.

Reminder: the December 11th class schedule is 6:30am and 5:45pm ONLY. Due to the free lunch, the 11:45am class has been cancelled.

We'll be meeting soon to figure out a plan for the 2009 Spinning season, and I will, of course, keep you updated when we have it worked out. Stay tuned!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Blog update, new music, and request for your "H" songs!

Hi folks,

Just wanted to let you know that I'm working on restoring the "Links of Interest" section, but I don't remember what links were previously there (just mine, unfortunately). I'm specifically looking for Kristin's profiles, but if there was anything else there you wanted, please let me know!

I've also re-posted my class profiles, but I haven't updated the spreadsheet yet to include the last couple. I hope to get to that in a few days. There will be a new session tomorrow (16 Sept): "Out and Back" (with a twist). I can't take any credit or blame for this one, other than liking something I found online and deciding to try it out. :-)

I'm hoping to do one more class of newer music, unrelated to any theme, and then back to the alphabet. Next letter: H. Feel free to leave your suggestions in the comments! :-)


Friday, August 29, 2008

Ride to Read - September 14!

Just a reminder that the Ride to Read event is coming up on September 14 (link goes to the BAE Community site, click on the picture for a more readable version). Anyone who would like more information, please contact me and I'll get you in touch with Ken Carpenter, who is organizing the ride.

Goodbye summer!

Well, the new Fall session starts up on September 8, and the evening classes are back on the roster (at 5:45pm this time around). We're still on the lookout for instructors (primarily to help cover the 6:30am class, but any time is OK), so if you know of anyone who's interested in helping out, please let us know.

I hope to have some new music for the 11:45 class to celebrate the start of a new season. We'll keep the fingers crossed. :-)

I also ran across this link last night. If they can do that, I'm sure we could harness enough juice to at least power the disco ball. ;-)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Time for a Do-Over!

Hi folks,

Just an informational post to say that the blog is on its way back, but we're starting back over from square one. I'll be working over the next few days to repopulate the blog with the links (calendar, spinning profiles, music, other links of interest), but we've lost our post history.

Just bear with me and in a few days, we ought to be back up. Thanks! :-)
-- Jen