Friday, August 29, 2008

Ride to Read - September 14!

Just a reminder that the Ride to Read event is coming up on September 14 (link goes to the BAE Community site, click on the picture for a more readable version). Anyone who would like more information, please contact me and I'll get you in touch with Ken Carpenter, who is organizing the ride.

Goodbye summer!

Well, the new Fall session starts up on September 8, and the evening classes are back on the roster (at 5:45pm this time around). We're still on the lookout for instructors (primarily to help cover the 6:30am class, but any time is OK), so if you know of anyone who's interested in helping out, please let us know.

I hope to have some new music for the 11:45 class to celebrate the start of a new season. We'll keep the fingers crossed. :-)

I also ran across this link last night. If they can do that, I'm sure we could harness enough juice to at least power the disco ball. ;-)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Time for a Do-Over!

Hi folks,

Just an informational post to say that the blog is on its way back, but we're starting back over from square one. I'll be working over the next few days to repopulate the blog with the links (calendar, spinning profiles, music, other links of interest), but we've lost our post history.

Just bear with me and in a few days, we ought to be back up. Thanks! :-)
-- Jen